Thursday, 29 May 2008

How I Started achieving my goals

For quite some time I have realized that to achieve your goals many things have to be right. Training has to be of a good quality, and consistent. Nutrition and diet strategies have to be effective and realistic.

All along though I have also been aware that really there was one thing that defines my most successful clients.

What is it?


Yes that’s it. It all comes back to psychology.

Now not many of you know this but I actually have a sports science degree, with almost my whole final year focused on sports psychology.

Since leaving university I have searched for ways to help clients achieve their goals and stay focused. I read books, reviewed my notes.

I came up wanting more though. I found no new, fresh or ultimate way to increase motivation and achieve goals.

Then I found a system.

When I found this system I was earning very little. So little I was actually borrowing money just to survive. I was convinced something was on the horizon. I was taking work anywhere I could, and I even did a day as a removal man. I was using someone else’s gym to train my clients.

I was desperate.

What’s changed? I have more than trebled my income since then. In just 4 years? The best thing is that now it is increasing faster than ever before. Now I am not saying I have lots in the bank. I’ve got a lot of debts to pay off still.

I now have my own studio, fully furnished with all the equipment I wanted. I only take clients that I want to train (I recently sacked a client, something I know of no other local trainer that has done this). I have turned clients away and for the first time I have let clients go because I felt it was not a good use of my and their time.

The important stuff though. I got married, had a child who is now 8 months old.

If I’m honest I grew up.

You know it sounds crazy but the system I discovered helped me focus my mind, my emotions and ultimately changed my behaviour every single day. Now my future holds so much.

I’m not waiting for my future. Now I’m creating it.

If you are interested in a system that can deliver all this keep an eye on your email over the next few weeks. I may have a special announcement for you.

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