I believe that achieving your goals is simple. You must take consistent action. That is it.
That is what my 12 week transformation plan is about. Consistent action.
Every day taking small steps towards your final destination. There is just three simple things to consider.
Mindset - If you don't get this right then nothing else will change.
The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
So if you want to change your weight and shape then you need to make some changes. This may mean you have to do some goal setting, maybe a little searching inside and start to understand why you are in the shape you are in.
Nutrition - Anyone who tells you that you can exercise loads then it doesn't matter what you eat is talking crap. If you want to see changes in your body then you must be mindful about what you eat.
Exercise - This is a vital part of any good health plan but making sure you are doing effective results based exercise can be a little hard. Especially with so many magazines and newspapers providing new routines, workouts and equipment. Things that deliver faster results, better results. They click, vibrate and ease you into a new body. Well I have never met anyone who said they got into shape easy. Everyone who has achieved great results has shed a few drops of sweat.
On Saturday I completed my 12 week Transformation course. There has been some fantastic results. People dropping pounds of unwanted fat, inches off their waists. Muscles have become toned. Joints have stopped aching and all from simple to follow nutrition plan combined with a exercise plan that can be completed in 15 minutes per day.
Don't believe me?
Here are Andy's photo's. He came on the course and wanted to show you what is possible with just a little effort and commitment. Before you ask. He did not spend hours in the gym. He wasn't hitting the streets running miles and miles, and he wasn't lifting heavy weights.
He did however lose 29lbs, and over four inches off of his waist.
Have a look. Leave a comment to let me and him know what you think. If you interested in attending the next course then drop me an email. matt@OptimiseU.com
The course should start on the 6th of September, the exact times and venue is still to be confirmed. Do drop me an email if you have any questions.
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